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empire, worldmaking and the global plantation | dossier

This cluster joins two reviews of books by Adom Getachew and Chris Taylor on empire and worldmaking alongside a dialogue between the two authors that developed out of a co-taught seminar on the “Global Plantation” in 2019. Getachew and Taylor’s dialogue considers the pedagogical, disciplinary, and theoretical challenges of thinking through the global plantation in epistolary form, while reviewers Tony Bogues and Andrew Zimmerman address Getachew’s and Taylor’s books from the vantage of their own archives and disciplinary modes. The form of this cluster, marked by moments of fragmentation, repetition and variation, thus calls for a practice of reading strangely to expose the ways in which placing pedagogy and theory in conversation animates modes of thinking in relation.

–Leah Feldman, Editor

  1. Adom Getachew and Chris Taylor, “The Global Plantation: An Exchange between Adom Getachew and Christopher Taylor” (June 23, 2020)
  2. Andrew Zimmerman, “Decolonizing Decolonization (Review of Adom Getachew’s Worldmaking after Empire)” (June 24, 2020)
  3. Anthony Bogues, “ Writing About Empire in the Nineteenth Century Caribbean (Review of Christopher Taylor’s Empire of Neglect)” (June 25, 2020)


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