boundary 2
b2o: an online journal
the b2o review
titles for review
b2o: an online journal
the gordian knot of finance | special issue
frictionless sovereignty | special issue
the new extremism | special issue
the maghreb after orientalism | special issue
the digital turn | special issue
sexual violence in MENA | special issue
V21 | special issue
the b2o review
re-read, re-examine, re-think | interviews
finance and fiction | dossier
policing in the fsu | dossier
empire, worldmaking and the global plantation | dossier
stop the right | dossier
black lives matter | dossier
covid-19 | dossier
after chimerica | dossier
digital studies
literature & politics
gender & sexuality
boundary 2
b2o videos
boundary 2
boundary 2
b2o: an online journal
the b2o review
titles for review
b2o: an online journal
the gordian knot of finance | special issue
frictionless sovereignty | special issue
the new extremism | special issue
the maghreb after orientalism | special issue
the digital turn | special issue
sexual violence in MENA | special issue
V21 | special issue
the b2o review
re-read, re-examine, re-think | interviews
finance and fiction | dossier
policing in the fsu | dossier
empire, worldmaking and the global plantation | dossier
stop the right | dossier
black lives matter | dossier
covid-19 | dossier
after chimerica | dossier
digital studies
literature & politics
gender & sexuality
boundary 2
b2o videos
Poetry and Poetics
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Poetry and Poetics
Hubris and Heteronomy: A Review of Lessons in Secular Criticism
May 6, 2015
Poetry and Poetics
“The Dog of the Poem: On William Carlos Williams’s Paterson” by Colin Dayan
Poetry and Poetics
"Wallace Stevens and the Confidence of Imagination" by Paul A. Bové
Poetry and Poetics
"Whitman's Leaves and Embers" by Donald E. Pease
Poetry and Poetics
"On Community Love" by RA Judy
"Emily Dickinson and the Liberal Imagination" by Jonathan Arac
November 30, 2014
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