Announcement: Sean’s Russia Blog


boundary 2 editor Nancy Condee is director of the Center for Russian and East European Studies (REES) at the University of Pittsburgh. Recently, REES announced that Sean’s Russia Blog has become a major addition to the center’s resources and electronic presence. Hosted by Sean Guillory, Digital Scholarship Curator at REES, Sean’s Russia Blog is an invaluable web source that features interviews with writers, filmmakers, academics, and policy figures from Russia, the US, and elsewhere. It joins such US web resources as NYU Jordan Center’s All the Russias blog, David Johnson’s Johnson’s Russia List at GWU’s Elliott School, or Maxim Trudolyubov’s The Russia File at the Kennan Institute (Wilson Center).

Sean’s Russia Blog provides hour-long interviews ranging from Russian LGBTQ and New Left Activism to The Early Russian Empire and Reforging Roma into New Soviet Gypsies. Subscribers will find something for any vector of curiosity: interested in Russian Punk RockThe Stillbirth of the Soviet Internet?  The Political Life of VodkaGangs in Russia? To subscribe, search Sean’s Russia Blog in your favorite podcast app or go directly to


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