2022 boundary 2 Annual Conference-50th Anniversary Meeting Videos Available Now


The 2022 boundary 2 Annual Conference was held from March 31-April 2 at Dartmouth College. The meeting also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the journal. Talks from the conference are now available online below and via YouTube.

Paul A. Bové: The Education of Henry Adams

Charles Bernstein: Reading from his Poetry

Arne DeBoever: Smears

David Golumbia: Cyberlibertarianism

Bruce Robbins: There Is No Why

Christian Thorne: “What We Once Hoped of Critique”

Jonathan Arac: William Empson and the Invention of Modern Literary Study

Stathis Gourgouris: No More Artificial Anthropisms


Donald E. Pease: Settler Liberalism

Lindsay Waters: Still Enmired in the Age of Incommensurability

R.A. Judy: Poetic Socialities and Aesthetic Anarchy

Hortense Spillers: Closing Remarks



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