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R.A. Judy receives Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism

b2o: the online community of boundary 2 would like to congratulate our fellow bounder, R.A. Judy, on receiving the Truman Capote Award for Literary...

Of Human Flesh: An Interview with R.A. Judy by Fred Moten

This is the second part of an interview of R.A. Judy conducted by Fred Moten in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, over the course of two days,...

Of Human Flesh: An Interview with R.A. Judy by Fred Moten

This is the second part of an interview of R.A. Judy conducted by Fred Moten in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, over the course of two days,...

"On Community Love" by RA Judy boundary 2 is privileged to present a talk led by RA Judy from the Poetry and Poetics conference held at the University of Pittsburgh...

"The Poetic Socialities of Radical Humanism, or the Giving Blues" by R.A. Judy boundary2, in association with The Social Life of Poetic Language conference at UCLA, is privileged to present a talk led by R.A. Judy.

2022 boundary 2 Annual Conference-50th Anniversary Meeting Videos Available Now

The 2022 boundary 2 Annual Conference was held from March 31-April 2 at Dartmouth College. The meeting also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the...

Tamara Kneese — Our Silicon Valley, Ourselves

a review of Anna Wiener, Uncanny Valley; Joanne McNeil, Lurking; Ellen Ullman, Life in Code; Wendy Liu, Abolish Silicon Valley; Ben Tarnoff and Moira...
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Touching Feeling Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity

Rizvana Bradley — The Vicissitudes of Touch: Annotations on the Haptic

Rizvana Bradley The late queer theorist Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick is known for her tenacious commitment to the indeterminate possibilities that nondualism might offer sustained inquiries...

Margaret Ferguson — Doing Some of the Work: Grief, Fear, Hope

by Margaret Ferguson Throughout the long first months of the pandemic—from March to November 2020—I volunteered as a phonebanker for “Indivisible Yolo,” the local chapter...

Arne De Boever — Futures of Sovereignty (Necropolitics in America)

This essay has been peer-reviewed by “Frictionless Sovereignty” special issue editor (Ryan Bishop), and the b2o: An Online Journal editorial board.   by Arne De Boever “Never believe...