Orientation and Asian Literature: A Conversation with Rob Wilson


Rob Wilson

Last week, the journal Former People published an interview with poet, translator, scholar and b2 contributor Rob Wilson, who discusses the crossroads and merging lanes of Asian literature, both within and set against a global highway:

“‘Asia’ remains an impossible if necessary category, enacting arbitrary and power-laden inclusions and exclusions from its origins in Greece and Rome and imperial England down to its present iterations when East Asia and China seem to dominate. Asia is a catachresis, as Gayatri Spivak tracks it in Other Asias, even as she attempts to include, compare, and translate ‘other Indias’ inside what gets taken as the literature of India within dominant Anglophone frameworks of comparative literature.” Read the full conversation.


cover photo: The Women of Algiers, 1834, by Eugène Delacroix


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